30 Minutes of Creativity

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ll have seen that I’m trying to find 30 minutes each day to just be creative and make time for myself.

So I thought I’d give you a better insight into what it actually is, what I’m doing and how it could help you too.

What is it?

It’s half an hour of your day to just be free to create what ever you want! For me that’s been drawing, collaging and painting. But for you it could be singing, dancing or sewing.

Set some time out for yourself, put some music or a podcast on and just see what happens.

Why did I start?

After talking to my business coach, we realised that I find it really hard to design for clients because I put loads of pressure on myself to create, but I find it hard because I haven’t given myself any time to just be creative for myself. It’s always for other people and I started resenting it. But since doing this every day for a week, I’ve seen a massive increase in my productivity and ability to design.

I do it at the start of the day to set me up properly. I do it before I check any emails, or any of the boring life admin stuff so that I’m just dedicating that time to myself and not others. And then after the half an hour, if I’m getting really into it, I carry on until I feel like I’m done or pick it up later on in the day because I’m so enthused by it. Sometimes I’ll start it, go off to do something else for a few hours and I’m just itching to come back and carry on!

What can it do for you?

I think we all forget to do stuff for ourselves and get wrapped up in other things like family, kids, work, and we forget that we do need time for ourselves.

I know I’m super lucky in the fact that I don’t have a “normal” job and have time to do this in the mornings when I’m not out painting murals, but if you could just find even 10 minutes in the day, I think it could really make a difference.

Maybe you could keep a tiny sketchbook next to your bed and have a doodle as soon as you wake up. Mindless doodling that you might want colour in later on. I find a lot of inspiration comes to me on the toilet! That’s where I write my Morning Pages, which is 3 pages of anything I want to write down. It helps to empty my head and write down any worries I may have. So instead of scrolling through Instagram, why not draw something on your phone or keep a sketchbook of ideas? Get some multitasking on and feel even better after a good poo and a draw!

Even though it’s only been a week for me, I have just seen a huge difference in my brain and how I feel towards myself and my own work, which means it will definitely have an impact on you too. You’ll feel your confidence grow, and yes there may be days where you think what you did is utterly crap and you’re not in the right frame of mind, but I think just the act of doing it and doing it for yourself is the best bit.

How I start creating

If you find it hard to start, I will show you my tips and tricks to create your own art that have really helped me get started. This is advice for collage and drawing, but you can take similar principles for other art forms.

  • Use something you’ve never used before. For me, that was some lovely fat felt tip pens that I bought ages ago and have never gotten round to using!

  • Use a material that you would never really go for. The other day I got some poster paint out and cut up some plastic lids to experiment with mark making.

  • Scribble! It really gets you in the mood. You can then use that paper to cut up for collaging.

  • Draw something, then cut it up and stick it back together in a different order. Et voila, a new piece of art!

  • Washi tapes are a great way to create things quickly. They’re paper tapes that come in all colours and patterns. I use MT Tapes to make patterns.

  • Get some colour chart samples from your local paint shop. They’re free and come in great colours!

  • Don’t be afraid to cut things up and use them for other artworks on other days.

  • Start by scribbling and letting the pen do its thing, then add on top of that with some coloured card, maybe add some more pen to it, then add tapes. Just keep adding and adding to see where it takes you.


Here are my pieces created over 6 days. I got quite carried away most days so spent more like an hour and a half doing them, so don’t compare what you do to mine. I have the luxury of time to just keep playing! As long as you’re creating, you should feel proud of yourself!

Just give it a try!!

What have you got to lose? Nufffink!!! And if you’re on Instagram, why not tag me in your pics? I absolutely love seeing what you’re up to and have already been excited by the response from people giving it a go.

Have fun!!!


Giant Toaster Time!!


Living Life With No Regrets